October has certainly flown by! Where did it go? Happy to report that round 7 of chemo is complete and we are down to 5 treatments left. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. I have had many asking about how I am doing and what is going on with treatments etc. So I thought that I would write a bit about how I am actually feeling. To be perfectly honest this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. It ranks up their with child birthing. I can only say I've done that once and with out drugs -- it was tough but not like this. Knowing you won't feel good for a few days is one thing. It's the mental battle that gnaws at you. The chemo is working and doing it's job killing off the good and bad cells. My lab results are an indicator to the effectiveness of this poison. My body struggles 6 to 10 days post chemo to make enough platelets. These thrombocytes are used for blood clotting. They are made in the bone marrow along with Red and White Blood Cells. Chemo drugs interfere with this process and cause these levels in my body to be abnormally low. This is to be expected with chemo. Some patients fair better than others. At this point their is nothing more that can be done to encourage or promote medically the platelets. I am doing my best to eat and drink. It's not easy. Sounds funny. My appetite swings like a pendulum. About 2 to 3 days after chemo my appetite slowly increases. The only problem is I am sensitive to smells that turn my stomach into knots. I wish there was some magic food that could make it all better. I will admit that I get the munchies and their is nothing off limits. Even late last night it was me eating a bowl of Rice Krispies in the dark. My energy level also fluctuates. It take me a few days post chemo to bounce back. I typically spend 3 to 4 days in bed or on the couch. I have also had problems with headaches post treatment. The bad part about this is I really don't like taking medication. Taking aspirin is off limits since it thins your blood and stays in your system for about 2 weeks. This also lowers the number of your platelets. As an alternative I can take ibuprofen; this doesn't last long in the blood stream and only effects the platelets while in my system. It's just hard to know when to take something or not. It seems that each round of chemo is a bit different with it's own mind. I am trying to rest a relax during these days. Soaking in the peace and quiet. I know this is a season and I truly am thankful. I am learning that it is okay for my son to wear the same outfit 3 days in a row, letting laundry pile up and to ignore dust bunnies. Life is just to short to worry about stuff. In the end it's all stuff and it will be there tomorrow. It's not that important. My health is. My family is. We are approaching that time of year when we are reminded to be thankful. I have been keeping a list of things I am thankful for. They are simple things like warm brown eggs from the chicken coop, a sunrise and kiss good night. The blessings are abundant -- if you are looking for them. This season of life has forced me to look around - beyond self. To look up and give thanks. Oh He is good...taste and see for yourself. It's not enough for me to just thank Him. Yes that is what He desires. But He really wants is relationship. One must enter His courts. Then we can bring him our praise and thanksgiving. I am learning this daily habit of thankfulness regardless of how I am feeling.
This last round of chemo I watched the movie
Mary Poppins -- light hearted and silly songs can make anyone laugh. Mary Poppins said it best -- when there are no words to describe how you are feeling or what to say "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" fits perfectly!
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation." Psalm 100:4-5
Anna at MSTI Round 7 |