One of my favorite verses in the Bible is in Joshua chapter 1. It says, ""Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God [is] with you wherever you go."Joshua 1:9 I love this verse for several reasons. It reminds me that it is a commandment from God to be strong and be courageous; for He will be with me always. That is a great reminder! I also love that it addresses my feelings. My feelings can often cloud my vision and direction I may be traveling. Whenever I read the words do not be afraid, God is addressing my underlying fears. I may not show fear, but deep down I am scared to death. When I had to start chemotherapy I was scared to death. I may not have showed it but I was. I did not know what my body was going to do in response to the drugs in my system. This fear escalated when I had an allergic reaction on the 9th round of chemo. You can read more about that is my post here Waters Rising. Now that I am on the other side of that incident I can honestly say that took some courage to face. I could not have done it with out these words of Joshua 1:9. Did you know that in the Bible the phrase, "do not be afraid" occurs 50 times? I must not be the only one who struggles with fear!
Having courage equips you to fight, face uncertainty, do the right thing and be authentic. It is from God and not of man. We were made to be courageous.