I've heard it said many times, "Don't sweat the small stuff!" Truth is all of it's small stuff. It's the little things that add up into mountains. I am continuing to learn that all these things that consume my time really don't matter. It's not a big deal if I vaccum today or tomorrow. The laundry will eventually get washed, folded and put away. The dishes will get clean and stored in the cupboards. Bills will get paid, maybe not on time, but I will pay them. I'm not saying the throw in the white towel and surrender to all domesticated work. By no means, the world would come to a halt! I'm just saying that maybe it's good to relax and not sweat it. Yes these are my to-dos but really does it matter that the fridge is cleaned out every other Tuesday morning and laundry is only done on Fridays? These insane pressures I put upon myself to be or to look like super-woman to others are just plain silly. It really is small stuff. What is important is that I love those around me and pay attention to their needs. When I do this, these small things become my way of showing love and don't stress me out. I want to serve them by doing the small things. This is my faith expressing itself in love. There is no sense in worry or over-planing. God is in control and He directs my steps.
"Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough trouble of it's own."
Matthew 6:34
Maybe I should have an outlook more like my dogs...they don't worry about anything!