Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Iron Sharpens Iron

After a 3 week battle with insurance over a needed medication for an iron infusion it was finally a go today.  My Oncology/Hematology Doctor here in West Plains wanted me to get a dose of Iron in a few weeks before surgery.  I have been struggling with iron deficiency anemia (IDA) for several years.  I believe it is just my genetic makeup. How God made me. For some reason with all that I have been through my Iron levels just haven't returned to a more normal level. I have had several of the classic symptoms of (IDA) and I don't tolerate oral iron pills. For those that don't know I had a planned hysterectomy in December of 2021. This was to alleviate some of my iron depletion issues. This is rather personal information but I'm trying to be an open book. If my story can help someone else wondering, waiting, hoping then I'm going to share. I feel amazing after this surgery.  Life changing. But again my iron levels were still low about 7 weeks post surgery.  

I just wasn't prepared for how I would feel today.  This type of Iron takes almost 5 hours to slowly infuse. It also has a higher risk category for allergic reactions.  Because of this I had to get a dose of liquid Benadryl (antihistamine), Dexamethasone (long-acting steroid). and some Tylenol. Thankfully my body was kind to me and I didn't have any allergic problems.  I just experienced the weird sensations of the drug cocktail I received.  My plans of sitting and reading, planning, and grading flew out the window. You feel so sleepy due to the Benadryl and this jittery un-nerving effect from the steroid.  I tolerated the infusion and called in back up to take me home. 

I did manage to get a quick a question off to my students back in science class.  Thought I would share that here:

We are learning about Atoms and the Periodic Table of Elements.  Nothing like a real life example to cement the learning goal for the day!

You may be wondering what Iron does in your body.  I have a great article if you care to read some cool science.  The American Society of Hematology (all about blood!) has lots of information.

I have been so blessed by so many of your kind words reaching out with love and support for me and my family.  The comments, text messages, and phone calls are amazing.  It is in times like these that we need each other.  I would just ask that you be respectful and sensitive to my kids.  We are trying to keep them from having un-necessary anxiety due to the connotation of the cancer word. We have a great support system and truly appreciate every one of you.  When we get closer to surgery date and recovery we will be cashing in al the many offers for help.

Proverbs 27:17 

We know that when two knives are rubbed together it enables the iron to be sharper, making the knives more efficient to cut and slice. God's word is a double-edge sword. It is what we use as our guide to teach, encourage, and correct. 

Hebrews 4:12 

We are to sharpen one another when we meet together in fellowship. This may look a little different to us these days as some of our fellowship activities have ben disrupted due to COVID related issues.  We have to be intentional in seeking out fellow iron sharpeners. I'm glad to have you joining me on this journey. It is my heart to be open, real, authentic, fresh, and inspiring. I love to read your comments, so keep on keeping on!

Keep the prayers coming! 14 days until my next appointment.  I am still waiting on some testing to be completed. 

It's About Time

Christmas 2022 Luehrs Family This past year has been filled with many planned activities and some of them were a surprise. Once again our fa...