Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Join me in counting gifts: February-Joy-Dare

88. Doctor says: Cancer free
89. Feeding Molly an apple
90. Dinner at home
91. Line item deduct when you can
92. Barking dogs
93. Praise the Lord!
94. be strong i the Lord and in his strength.
95. Yaweh-nissi
96. Keep it simple sister
97. Missing LEGO pieces
98. Purring cat
99. Dog water bowl
100. prayer quilt
101. Coat hooks on wall
102. Shawl
103. First calf of the year
104. Frozen water troughs
105. Hooting owls
106. Painted red toe nails
107. Coffee mug
108. Sewing patches on red AWANA vest
109. Toilet
110. Toilet
111. A purse
112. Laundry at 3 am, sick little boy
113. Quiet time: alone
114. A vacation
115. A child
116. My husband
117. Random people in a crowd
118. Satisfaction
119. Discipline
120. Patience
121. Sabbath rest
122. Marital communication
123. Reading Radical Together
124. Solitude
125. A ocean view
126. Son - waiting for our return
127. Loyalty found in the eyes of a four-legged pooch starring at you.
128. Prayers of the saints
129. The warmth of a heating blanket - enveloping me
130. Time
131. Words to write
132. Cooking food
133. a flower
134. Cob webs
135. Darkness
136. Old papers
137. A smile
138. Fulfillment
139. A chance to pray
140. Gospel driven obedience produces Gospel filled joy
141. The word of God will accomplish the work of God among the people of God.
142. Leaders do not exist to provides services - they exist to serve people.
143. Not following my speaking notes
144. Videos not playing on cue
145. Camping out with Dustin
146. The sound of rice Krispies "Snap, Crackle & Pop"
147. Leftovers
148. A new project discussed
149. A blanket of fresh snow
150. Folded white towels
151. Flour
152. Sale items
153. Rain
154. Ash Wednesday
155. Old watering can
156. Flower vase
157. Old rugged cross
158. Hay stacked in the barn
159. Mama cows nursing calves
160. Ticking clock
161. Old coveralls
162. Sweater
163. Tattered Bible
164. Trees
165. Clouds
166. Faces
167. Manure - outside in piles and inside my heart
168. Dirty socks
169. Green smoothies
170. Strength when needed
171. Extra measure of faith
172. Promises found in the Word
173. Reading a book to Dustin
174. Saying I'm sorry
175. Crock Pot dinner

It's About Time

Christmas 2022 Luehrs Family This past year has been filled with many planned activities and some of them were a surprise. Once again our fa...