Sunday, May 13, 2018

Seven Years - Peace in the Valley

Foggy Morning
Today is May 13, 2018.  Seven years ago today my life and my family's life was forever changed by the diagnosis of cancer.  Today just also happens to be Mother's Day.  I can't think of a better way to celebrate seven years cancer free -- than being a Mom. God saw me through a very difficult time as a Mother and blessed me with two sons. So much has happened in the last seven years that God has been planning it amazes me.  For those that don't know my entire cancer story you can read the side bar titled "My Cancer Story."  I know God has been preparing me to write and return to blogging.  I don't know if anyone really reads this but here goes...It is pressing on my heart and mind to write more often about my journey battling cancer and being a cancer survivor.  Many have asked me to write about life on a cattle ranch here in Peace Valley Missouri. Devotionals regarding being a wife, mom and woman in Christ seem to be top on the list. I want to explore the topics of ranch life (like being a "real" pioneer woman). You know I love to cook, play in the garden and take pictures of my crazy messy blessed life. Id' love to hear from you.  If there is something you want let me know.

Late September
Feeding Heifers

Boys and Mom

Missouri Cattlemen

October Leaves

November Leaves

 So why Missouri? That is the biggest question everyone asks me.  We moved from Southern Idaho to Missouri in August of 2017.  Many factors played in to our decision to move.  The best and simplest reason is this: God told us to.  Yes God said go to Missouri! So here we are in Southeast Missouri just North of West Plains in a community called Peace Valley.  There is such a place as Peace Valley and yes it is peaceful here! After running a crazy schedule for so many years God has provided a place of rest for our family.  We are enjoying our daily routine of taking care of our cattle as a full time job as a family.  God began to prepare us for this task many years ago. We are applying the skills we have learned over the years to accomplish this now.

This area of Missouri is known for rich pasture ground able to support beef cattle. It rains in Howell County about 47 inches per year.  That is a drastic change from Southern Idaho at a meager 9.36 inches per year. Needless to say there is no need to irrigate here! God sends the rain to water the earth in due time. We are so glad to not have to irrigate twice a day here. They say we are always 10 days away from drought here so the importance of praying for rain is a real thing.  Currently we need rain, so join me in praying for rain in Peace Valley!

You can read more HERE about the land in Missouri and why we chose to move to the Ozarks to run a cattle ranch. This is an article about native grasses by the Missouri Department of Conservation.  Our cattle ranch has fescue grass and timber ground mixed in each pasture.  The forest ground is diverse! I am learning to identify many varieties of trees.  When we arrived in the late summer early fall and the leaves were still on.  Then winter came and leaves fell to the forest floor.  Now it is late Spring and the forest is full of life and leaves have returned and flowering trees have bloomed.  It is so beautiful! Surprisingly the cattle love to sit under these big oak trees and find shade from the hot sun. It is not so easy to count the cows and find everyone with the trees.  It is easy to forget you are on a cattle ranch and might mistake it for a state or national forest. This girl is so overwhelmed with he new flora and fauna to learn! My botany skills are being sharpened and I am enjoying the challenge of a new ecosystem to learn and appreciate.

Iris just bloomed!
Stay tuned for more updates soon.  I am working on writing some more devotional material in a series format that will build on a concept and specific section of scripture.  God has been teaching me so many things and I have crazy notes all over the place to organize.

For now I will leave you with this thought ---

Psalm 24 1:6
New Living Translation
A psalm of David.
1The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it.
The world and all its people belong to him.
2For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas
and built it on the ocean depths.
3Who may climb the mountain of the LORD?
Who may stand in his holy place?
4Only those whose hands and hearts are pure,
who do not worship idols
and never tell lies.
5They will receive the LORD’s blessing
and have a right relationship with God their savior.
6Such people may seek you
and worship in your presence, O God of Jacob.

We are blessed to be here in Peace Valley, Missouri -- so thankful for the many friends we had to leave in Idaho and the new friends we have met and are getting to know here now.  

Psalm 50:10-11
English Standard Version
God Himself Is Judge
A Psalm of Asaph.
10For every beast of the forest is mine,
the cattle on a thousand hills.
11I know all the birds of the hills,
and all that moves in the field is mine.


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