Friday, August 12, 2011

Good News

I am happy to report that my WBC count was up today! Doing the praise dance for sure! I did get another injection of the neupogen and will wait until Tuesday (August 16th) for another lab draw. I will also get to see the Oncology Doctor and hopefully get round 3 of Chemo. I am feeling great and my appetite has increased. It is a good thing since we have family in town and I have been able to join them for meals. One thing is certain - you don't want to miss a meal in the Luehrs family when family from out of town comes to visit! Tonight was BBQ salmon, rice, brocolli and fruit salad. Yummy to my hungry tummy! I am still eating very carefully to help encourage things in the GI deaprtment to keep moving. So far keeping away from raw vegatables and roughage (red meat, salads etc.) is working. I am more tired than "normal" but I figure that is to be expected. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend filled with food and family...does it get any better than that?
"Oh how great is Your goodness. Which You have laid up for those who fear you, which You have prepaered for those who trust in You." Psalm 31:19
"No eye has seen no ear has heard, no mind conceived what God has prepared for those who love him." Isaiah 64:4

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annie,
    Happy to hear that you are enjoying your family and good food! I wish I could have joined you, salmon is my favorite fish...Bet it was yummy! It was so wonderful to see you and tour your beautiful home... It is gorgeous and so roomy...Hope you were able to find some great finds at Real Deals..Is your Aunt hooked? Thanks for the beautiful hay! I hope to get more before you are out...
    Take care, and continue to enjoy your family!
    Love ya, Debbie,


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