I am learning to role with the changes that fall upon my path these days. Last week was hard to swallow in the sense that I had to wait to see if the WBC would return to a higher level. I was disappointed initially but then remembered God's word...my ways are not your ways...My plans are better. Then I was thinking to myself and realized that we have family in town I will get to enjoy visiting with them more and eating! What could be better. Having Duane and Karen Luehrs around for the week was fabulous. I was able to rest (a little) in between shopping and playing my guitar (thanks Duane!).
I also have on my calender a speaking engagement for a women's retreat the second weekend in September (9-11) for Stonecroft Ministries. This is something that I was asked to do back in December 2010. Of course the ladies are all aware of my health situation and are praying earnestly for my ability to be present. Having my chemo treatment week changed puts the retreat on an "off" week of chemo. This is a huge answer to prayer! God works in wondrous ways. It looks like I will be able to go and speak at the retreat! So at this point in the week I am feeling high and up on the clouds, thanking God for His amazing way of turning not so good news into great news. As if it couldn't get any better...my phone rings. It is Dave Fabarez, my youth pastor during High School days in San Diego. He and his wife just happen to be in Boise, celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary and want to stop by. WOW! So for 2 hours they are sitting in my house just visiting. What a nice surprise! In the midst of overcoming low WBC, GI issues and no appetite the Lord in His great mercy and compassion took notice of my situation and blessed me. He brought me comfort with family and friends. People who care about me and are fun to be around. It's all a matter of perspective. I am choosing to find things around me to be thankful for and celebrate them when they cross my path. God desires to give good gifts to his children. He delivers on His promise!
"How great is your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you. In the shelter of your presence you hide them from the intrigues of men; in your dwelling you keep them safe from accusing tongues. Praise be to the Lord, for he showed his wonderful love to me when I was in a besieged city." Psalm 31:19-21
Oh, I LOVE the new background, and you seriously look BEAUTIFUL!!! Really, you are glowing - Jesus light is shining out! Love ya, friend :0)